A New Growing Project: THE LOCAVORE GROWING PROJECT is an intergenerational community food growing project created by @customfoodlab and based in a new community garden at @MartelloPrimary, with an additional food growing space at Brampton Lodge Residential Care Home – creating a knowledge exchange between the two spaces and the beginnings of a local network of community food growing. The project aims to work with the community to embed resilience and security around food supply into the future.

Its early March and they are already making huge progress in the Locavore Community Garden during the sunny weather in the last week, even with our limited numbers of volunteers and social distancing in place. We have prepped our Meadow area now surrounded by a mini fruit orchard. We have a new volunteer on site tomorrow, so we’ll be scattering meadow seed. There were so many invasive weeds growing in this area that to ensure long-term biodiversity we needed to dig them out and start over. It’s a shame to have to take any plant life out but we see it as investing in the future ecosystem of the garden. We’d love to hear about your ideas increasing biodiversity. Also you are welcome to join us on-site as a volunteer so you can learn more about all of this from Didier, Mary and the team.

After this wonderful start the Locavore Growing Project prepared the no-dig raised beds and they are dressed ready for the imminent planting season thanks to the hard work of the community growers and brilliant volunteers at the Locavore Community Garden.

More information HERE

Facebook Group HERE