It is always worth keeping an eye on the Kent Education website (although it is undergoing maintenance at the moment) because there is a huge range of courses offered – including Gardening and Wildlife courses.

As this summer draws to an end, and although it may not be clear when it has ended given the changeable weather we have experienced this year – it will inevitably get cooler.

So as the nights draw in, and the temperature drops why not cheer yourself up by putting your name down for a course in the new year. Some courses are online, some are in person – you choose what you feel comfortable with and it will be something to look forward to.

There are two courses listed on the website now – more will follow in due course.

Gardening – Creating a Healing Garden for Wellbeing – Online Live. It’s never too early to start planning and during this course, you’ll leaner how to create a soothing and restorative garden space using with plants and sculptures that help to improve our wellbeing and engage the senses. You’ll also learn about the care and maintain traditional healing herbs. It doesn’t matter if you have a large space or small pots and window boxes, we’ll show you how you can do this no matter how much space you have.

Gardening – Creating a Zen Garden for Wellbeing – Online Live. Zen gardens, often called Japanese gardens, consist of sand, stones, plants and water and were originally found in Zen monasteries. Now, these gardens have gained in popularity and can be recreated in your backyard or even in small pots and window boxes.