Time to do a quick Gleaning update: We haven’t been posting every week as it has been lean pickings this spring with rubbish weather for farmers. But we have been going out every week, usually with just a small crew of 4 to sort reject spuds from storage crates.
We did get a few weeks of cauliflowers and took good advantage of them and sent a load up to London Foodbanks as well as supplying our own charities, schools and hubs. The total since January is 8.8 tonnes of produce saved and distributed which is not bad for this time of year and we should be well able to smash last year’s 35 tonnes total. Apologies to all of you who have wanted to come out gleaning with us but haven’t had the call….it will come and we look forward eagerly to cherries, plums, and some more green veg in the not too distant future.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the trailer fund and huge thanks also to Nicky Deane who offered to give us a trailer that she has and doesn’t use. We will be going ahead with the original trailer purchase next week as Nicky’s is not really big enough for our purpose. More details on the trailer and how to borrow it once we have it and have sorted the details.
Update posted by Chris Turnball
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