As winter approaches, you can still take action for insects in your home, garden and community. Remember, you can download your free booklets here: 

Taking action for insects in winter

You may think that there is less you can offer insects, now that the cold weather is here to stay, but there are some simple ways you can make a difference. 

Leave your garden a little untidy over winter. Leave log and leaf piles, and add leaves as mulch to your border. Don’t cut back some of your flower heads, as insects may be using them to hibernate in over winter.

As frosts become more common, providing clean fresh water for all wildlife is increasingly important. Try to stop ponds from freezing over by floating a ball in them, and clear any snow off frozen ponds to ensure light can still reach the plants, to keep the pond oxygenated.

Looking into the house, don’t dispose of chemicals down your sink – keep our waterways, and the wildlife that live there, safe. 

Winter could be a great time to start talking to others in your community, and planning how to manage shared green space next year. Take a look at your community guide for advice on how to do this. 

Learning which insects could visit your garden

Whether pollinators or predators, insects will help manage unwanted garden visitors and keep your garden healthy. Want to know which have been visiting your garden this year? We’ve got seven of our favourite helpers, and the plants they love. Take a look!

Don’t forget to share what you’re doing for insects on social media with #ActionForInsects!